Monday, November 26, 2007

Racial Profiling is Everywhere

As I am waiting for Toshi to buy the train tickets into Tokyo, a police officer came up to me and asked me to see my passport. Odd, I think, but I oblige, dig through my luggage to locate my passport. I had packed it away since I was out of the airport. I find it and hand him my passport. He opens it up and starts taking down my information on a little notepad he was carrying. I started getting nervous as he is writing things down and I have no idea what I did to cause it, what he is writing down or why for that matter. Is it a ticket? I cant figure it out. He hands me my passport, says thank you, and walks away. I still find it rather strange considering I made it through customs with out any trouble. Is he trying to pin a crime on me and I won't make it back. I prolly could have taken him... ha! I tried to ask Toshi about it but he didn't acknowledge my question and I don't know if he didn't understand me or if he didn't want to talk about it. I asked Emily today at lunch and she said it was stranged too but couldn't offer suggestions but that I am different. Hmm, interesting.


Maggie said...

I have a suggestion!
Color your hair black and take your contacts out (so you will have to squint). You will blend right in!

Joseph at GFT said...

I always thought you looked suspicious. Now I know I'm not the only one.