Sunday, December 9, 2007


Today Toshi asked us if we wanted Ice Cream, we said sure. So we go into this little shop that is packed, as with everything in Japan, we can not read anything, but from what I could see it looked good. I saw a blueish purple- which I thought was Blueberry and Green, which I wasn't sure. Toshi ordered us a twist of these two colors, I asked Moe what flavore it was and he said, Green Tea and Sweet Potato. I said, are you serious? He chuckled and said ,yes, it is weird how taste buds differ. It was so good, it tasted like a cereal that I had before, but I don't know which one. It is still killing me to figure it out. Who would have thought of those combinations? I took a self portrait, but didn't realize that the purple wasn't really showing... We need this one in the US.

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